8/25/24:I told myself that I wouldn’t make anymore blog entries until the site revamp was done. But I haven’t worked on it in weeks sooo, that might not happen for a while. So ill just write this one. I AM SO SO SO SO SAD heretics lost.... I really thought they had it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy they got so far and played so well. esp since no one thought they would make it this far. They defied all odds. I’m so proud and so so happy. Just bummed they got second place AGAIN. When the game was over and Benjy started crying, I literally felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I want them to win, i want them to succeed. ughghgs899889yq34hqhwqhh idk if any of this makes sense, I’m so sad and processing my feelings.
TLDR: my favorite Valorant esports team lost and i am sad :(

fortnite yapping sesh
8/7/24: wowie, im not sure if anyone who reads my blog actively cares too much about fortnite. but its like my main hyperfixation sooo youre gonna hear about it!!!

so the other day fortnite did the unthinkable and brought back paradigm,,now to u normal ppl youre prolly asking "errrm,,,who?" and thats okay. to make a long story short, shes a old fortnite lore character who had an exclusive shop skin. she was available for a few days only in 2019 and then was supposed to never be seen again, and she wasn't ! until yesterday when she was randomly added back to the shop? and everyone was mad confused because she was an obvi people bought her,,,blah blah blah to make a long story short, fortnite was like "erm,,,okay those who bought paradigm can keep her, and we'll give u your vbucks back, and those who bought her in 2019 will get a exclusive style for her soon like the purple ghoul trooper" and the community was like "okayyyy cool"....AND THEEEENNNN today fortnite announced that all future battlepass skins will not be exclusive!! which means all items (it might actually just be skins tbh idk) from here on out can show up in the item shop 18+ months after their release!! which is BIG BIG NEWS! fortnite is one of those games that thrives off of FOMO, esp with battlepasses. so this is insane. Now myself and others are hoping this will be them testing the waters for older battle pass skins to be available in the store in the future, that would be BIG if it happens... i have more to talk about with this fortnite season but ive already yapped enough,,,soooo thats for another day..

basically TLDR; fortnite releases previously exclusive skin into the shop, which domino effects into fortnite allowing future battlepass stuff to be in the right?

first blog entry!? what!!
8/5/24: what the heck!!! my blog is finally ready!!! yaaaayyy!!!! im not sure how often ill keep this updated, or if it will be as "micro" as i said it would be. but here it is!!!!! ermmm...idk what to talk about,,,uhhh watch clerks animated? and clerks 1? alsoooo uhhhhh idk what else can i talk about,,,,,,uhh im practicing on valorant again and i feel im struggling to progress, but im gonna keep at it...

Angel Wing Heart